Tom DeLonge x Benji Weatherly: The Whalebone Interview

Tom DeLonge and I became close friends at 19 in Southern California, and even back then he couldn’t stop talking about UFOS. We met at a time where my surf career was more likely to succeed than his ambition to become a rock star, with his band Blink-182. As you know by now, Tom was bound for the stratosphere. Whether it be music or anything he felt compelled to follow through with to the end. That’s where we are now. Tom’s music might always be what people think of first. But, it’s no surprise to Tom, or anyone close to him, the unknown he seeks might bring him to even greater (perhaps literal) heights. His company, To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences, has been a hot topic of late after video footage it brought to light was confirmed to be legitimate footage of an unidentified flying object by the US Navy. Then To the Stars signed a contract with the US Army. He’s even got a show on the History Channel on all this. Tom is set on changing more than just people’s understanding of the unknown, but what it could mean for the future and much more. You’ll see.

Benji Weatherly @ Whalebone

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