"Planet of Blood and Ice", the first book of "Cathedrals of Glass" series, will be released in 2016

Throughout, I was writing furiously, and the current work in progress looks set to be by far the longest novel I’ve ever written. I can’t say much abut that one yet because we’re keeping it all under wraps, but I can say that’s part of my collaboration with Tom DeLonge (of Blink 182/Angels and Airwaves) and will appeal to fans of X-Files type thrillers. It should be out spring 2016.

As part of the project, I spent a few days in DC with Tom, Peter Levenda, and a film crew, shooting interviews with some Serious People. Details to come...

Cathedrals of Glass book 1: Planet of Blood and Ice, the first of my new YA scifi series won’t be out this year as had been planned, appearing instead late 2016. The delay comes from some exciting developments regarding some innovative marketing strategies and supporting materials which I’ll announce as soon as things firm up.

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