Three songs and the new blink-182 album is done

I spoke with Mark yesterday at the Fuse studio at his birthday party/Hoppus on Music taping. Here is some news regarding blink:
-They are "3 fast, blink songs" away from finishing the album.
-There are songs on the album that resemble Untitled songs like Asthenia and Always
-They are still shooting for an end of the Summer release
-He got ALOT done with Tom last Thursday regarding blink

Another thing he said (sorry in advance to the European readers) was that he and most other artists really don't like touring in Europe, they love "being tourists" there and seeing all of the landmarks, etc. but he said he hates how shitty the venues are and that American bands genuinely aren't treated well by non-fans and employees of the venues. Kinda made him look like a diva, IMO
That stemmed from a conversation he was having with the singer of A Day To Remember where he said "We just got back from Europe." and Mark said, "I'm sorry."

That is all. Don't kill the messenger please.

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